Catering Koltsovo contacted MST company and requested provision of the JoinPAY service for Red Wings air carrier. It will enable the introduction of the full-fledged payment acceptance system onboard the aircraft, reduce fraud, provide full analytics of sales, and provide additional services to the customer.
Russian Red Wings Airlines was founded in 1999. Today, it is one of the top 10 air carriers of our country in terms of passenger traffic flow. Red Wings operates flights on over 160 regular and charter routes and continues to develop actively. In the previous three years, modern Airbus aircraft were added to its aircraft fleet.
Currently, this air carrier is creating the transit hub in Ekaterinburg, which will support up to 25 destinations in 2021. Red Wings looks towards the provision of top-quality services, so it introduced the JoinPAY Aero fintech solution by MST company. It will enable to accept payments for the products and services during the flight, and it will be most helpful and user-friendly.
The customer gave the provider several tasks, the main of which are user-friendliness of the service and introduction thereof in the shortest time possible.

Another requirement met is the automated motivation program for the flight attendants. The POS software has been improved on JoinPAY, following which it became possible to assign, upon the beginning of the POS shift, two flight attendants at the same time: the chief (duty) flight attendant and a steward. JoinPAY smart POS calculates the financial bonus part of each employee, so they can view online how much they earned. This motivates the flight attendants to sell more effectively from the shop on board.
Furthermore, the service provides for autonomous operation of the POS for at least ten hours. There is a module enabling to sell sets and to sort the products as it is convenient for the flight attendants. The latter is extremely important in the regional short-haul flights. Sometimes, the length of a plane’s horizontal flight is 20 minutes or less, so the flight attendants have to find the required product and complete the sale in due time.
The customer also gave the provider the task to create a functional API for integration into EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System) and the company’s back office for communication of the marketing history, inventory, etc., which MST successfully did.

The important stage of work was to introduce various analytics tools into the system. The mechanism test-driven on the public road transport was used for that purpose. When the shift begins, not only two flight attendants are assigned in the JoinPAY system, but also the aircraft number and its route are designated. This enables to estimate by various criteria how effectively the shop on board works, to carry out a comparative analysis, build and test various hypotheses.
The tasks of MST company also included training of the employees of Red Wings and Catering Koltsovo. The flight attendants got introduced to the abilities of smart POS on an intramural basis, in the convention center of Angelo Hotel by Vienna House Ekaterinburg. During the training, they could perform trial transactions, which they all did very well. This is the evidence of both the high professional level of the air carrier’s employees and the user-friendly navigation of JoinPAY smart POS.
Training of the employees of Catering Koltsovo Company was in remote mode. In this instance, the screen-sharing mode, trial access to the platform and other means of online training were used.
JoinPOS — Crossplatform software for payment terminals.
JoinPAY «Aero» — Cloud account of the airline and online cash register with the function of commodity management.
Отзыв клиента

В июле 2019 года компания ООО «Аэро-Трейд» искала подрядчика для выполнения работ по внедрению системы безналичной оплаты товаров самолетах авиакомпании «AZUR air». После тщательного изучения рынка, мы решили обратиться для реализации данного проекта в компанию ООО «МСТ Компани». Основной задачей было обеспечить каждый борт авиакомпании «AZUR air» терминалом, который сможет принимать платежи не только на земле, но и во время полёта.
В течении всего времени нашего сотрудничества, специалисты ООО «МСТ Компани» продемонстрировали отличные профессиональные навыки при подготовке проекта, и разработке документации. В результате мы получили гибкое и надёжное решение, которое удовлетворяет нашим требованиям.
По итогам работы с компанией ООО «МСТ Компани» хочется отметить соблюдение принципов делового партнерства, а также четкое соблюдение сроков работ и выполнение взятых на себя обязательств. ООО «Аэро-Трейд» выражает благодарность специалистам компании за проделанную работу в рамках внедрения системы безналичной оплаты на самолетах авиакомпании «AZUR air». И рекомендует компанию ООО «МСТ Компани» как надёжного партнёра в области платёжных решений.