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In this section, you can find all documents related to the activities of our company. All certificates, official papers, awards and other documents are collected here.

Founding Documents

Bank details

Ruble account

Intellectual property

JoinPAY Trademark Certificate


Certificate of state registration of the computer program JoinPAY Transport


Certificate of state registration of the computer program JoinPOS


Licenses and Certificates

Certificate of compliance with the TranzAxis/TranzWare ISO Terminal Protocol (TITP)

№ 19-303

Certificate of compliance with the TranzWare POS Terminal Protocol (TPTP)

№ 19-299

Certificate of compliance with the 3CardF Terminal Protocol, version 1.11.

№ 21-007

Certificate of an authorized service partner for repair and maintenance of Salut-12F terminal

№ АСП-0006

Certificate of an authorized service partner for repair and maintenance of Salut-08F terminal

№ АСП-0002


Diploma of the Winner of the «Green Light — 2019» competition

JoinPAY «Транспорт»