JoinPay tells you all the details of Acquiring. How does a bank terminal work and why is it so necessary for your outlet.
Today, in Russia, merchant acquiring (accepting bank cards through specialized banking terminals) is gaining momentum – accepting non-cash payments at a retail outlet.
Especially rapid growth is observed in contactless payments (both using contactless credit cards, and using Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.). As well as in the field of mobile and Internet acquiring (accepting payments via mPOS terminals, payment on the website / via the mobile application).
Technology and innovation do not bypass banking institutions. One of the latest innovative solutions is contactless payments. Bank cards such as Visa payWave or MasterCard PayPass allow you to make an instant purchase payment and save time on customer service at the point of sale.
The creators of gadgets did not stay away and implemented contactless payments in their devices: smartphones, tablets, smart watches and even a keychain allow you to make payments via NFC-chip, while each manufacturer tries to make its own platform for implementing the technology, which is why Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and many others have already appeared.

Advantages of Acquiring
- Customer loyalty – the customer chooses the most convenient payment method.
- Increased revenue – people spend 25% more if they pay with a card. Convenience – the ability to pay from a mobile device without a card.
- Less risk – no staff mistakes and theft.
- Fast service – the speed of payment for purchases by card is several times higher than in cash.
- Less cash collection costs – the money is already in your operating account.
- More revenue – the buyer can pay for the purchase with a credit card.
From October 1, 2017, bank cards must be serviced by all retail and service companies whose revenue for the previous calendar year exceeded 40 million rubles. Only retail facilities that do not have the technical ability to connect to the Internet or radiotelephone communications, as well as retail outlets, whose revenue for the previous year amounted to less than 5 million rubles, are exempted from this obligation. (or 600 thousand rubles per month!)

What types of terminals are there
Autonomous banking terminals
Offline acquiring is a full-fledged device that is not connected with an online cash register or a cash register program for accepting non-cash payments. The terminal itself contains a check printing device, a 3G modem with a SIM card, wi-fi or a connector for connecting to the Internet over a wired connection (Ethernet), a keyboard for entering data and reads cards with magnetic tape, a chip, or supports contactless cards and payment methods.
Autonomous terminals are divided into two types: stationary and portable.
The stationary terminal option is common in retail outlets or service delivery locations where bank acquiring does not need to be constantly moved.
These terminals may not have a battery, and the power comes directly from the network. The bank terminal itself often does not have an interface for connecting to a PC cash register.
The option of a portable bank terminal is popular among catering, taxis, and courier deliveries. The portable terminal has a battery and works via communication with GPRS on the built-in SIM card.

Integrated banking terminals
Integrated acquiring works only in conjunction with the cash register program, while the keyboard of the bank terminal is only used for entering the pin code, and the receipt is printed through the fiscal data recorder of the online sales register. You can connect to the Internet to communicate with the Bank via an online sales register.
The integrated PINpad is connected via COM, USB, and mPOS terminals.
mPOS terminals are a type of lightweight terminals that, unlike the previous ones, do not have a specialized PCI DSS certification. This class of devices is somewhat cheaper than full-fledged banking terminals. At the same time, the bank interest for the merchant acquiring service on such devices is usually higher. The reason is the higher insurance rate for banking transactions. However, the compact size, the ability to connect to almost any cash register device via Bluetooth, as well as the low cost allow mPOS terminals to occupy their niche.
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